After Senate Republicans stopped a floor debate on Iraq, a group of them turned around and support the debate. Washington Post Why are so many helicopters going down in Iraq? Time
Rudy is the GOP favorite. Time ..but does he need an attitude adjustment? Newsweek
One of the world’s top four greenhouse gas emitters, China says wealthier nations need to step up and do something about global warming before it does. New York Times Talk is cheap, and this writer says talking is all that will be done about the environment. Newsweek
In another 180, Apple’s Steve Jobs said he wants to remove copy protection from music sold on i-Tunes. Remember, it was Apple who made a ton of money because the i-Pod only plays music downloaded from i-Tunes. CNET Will the major labels risk removing copy-protection from their music? Guardian
Renters will end up paying more this year, even though paychecks won’t increase by the same amount. USA Today
Tour de France champion Floyd Landis will not defend his title. BBC
A-Rod can opt-out of his contract at the end of the 2007 season. He hasn’t said if he’ll do it, but let’s take a look at a few scenarios. ESPN
Think you might have beer-goggles? Researchers have looked into it and come up with a formula you can use to figure it out.. if you’re still sober enough. BBC

Being tied up with a sexy stranger might seem like a good idea, but you could lose an arm or two.
Rudy is the GOP favorite. Time ..but does he need an attitude adjustment? Newsweek
One of the world’s top four greenhouse gas emitters, China says wealthier nations need to step up and do something about global warming before it does. New York Times Talk is cheap, and this writer says talking is all that will be done about the environment. Newsweek
In another 180, Apple’s Steve Jobs said he wants to remove copy protection from music sold on i-Tunes. Remember, it was Apple who made a ton of money because the i-Pod only plays music downloaded from i-Tunes. CNET Will the major labels risk removing copy-protection from their music? Guardian
Renters will end up paying more this year, even though paychecks won’t increase by the same amount. USA Today
Tour de France champion Floyd Landis will not defend his title. BBC
A-Rod can opt-out of his contract at the end of the 2007 season. He hasn’t said if he’ll do it, but let’s take a look at a few scenarios. ESPN
Think you might have beer-goggles? Researchers have looked into it and come up with a formula you can use to figure it out.. if you’re still sober enough. BBC

Being tied up with a sexy stranger might seem like a good idea, but you could lose an arm or two.
Labels: Baseball, Beer/Alcohol, China, Environment, Iraq, Money, Music, Prez-Race, Tech
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