Bridging The G8
Ahead of the G8 summit, Tony Blair tries to close the climate change gap between the U.S. and the other world leaders. Scotsman What Blair has learned in his ten years at Number 10. Economist
What’s that chill in the air? Could it be the return of a cold war as Russia’s Putin says he could point nukes at Europe? (London) Times
The plot to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at JFK wasn’t close to being executed, and the announcement may have been over-hyped. New York Times How big is the threat of a terrorist attack in the U.S. from the Caribbean and South America? Los Angeles Times
There’s a debate over whether to prosecute a member of “Canada’s first family of terrorism” for war-crimes allegedly committed when he was 15 years-old.. And even younger than 10. New York Times Do you think special consideration should be given to minors who are charged with war-crimes?
Higher fares. Fewer seats. Flying this summer is going to be bad enough. To keep traveling from getting even worse, here are some airports to avoid. U.S. News & World Report

The $1300 this mom spends to give this little girl a fake tan for her school picture - to look like Lindsay Lohan - is a down payment on therapy 20 years from now.
What’s that chill in the air? Could it be the return of a cold war as Russia’s Putin says he could point nukes at Europe? (London) Times
The plot to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at JFK wasn’t close to being executed, and the announcement may have been over-hyped. New York Times How big is the threat of a terrorist attack in the U.S. from the Caribbean and South America? Los Angeles Times
There’s a debate over whether to prosecute a member of “Canada’s first family of terrorism” for war-crimes allegedly committed when he was 15 years-old.. And even younger than 10. New York Times Do you think special consideration should be given to minors who are charged with war-crimes?
Higher fares. Fewer seats. Flying this summer is going to be bad enough. To keep traveling from getting even worse, here are some airports to avoid. U.S. News & World Report

The $1300 this mom spends to give this little girl a fake tan for her school picture - to look like Lindsay Lohan - is a down payment on therapy 20 years from now.
Labels: G8, JFK Bomb Plot, Russia, Terrorism, Travel
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