A kick-ass election night for the Dems as they take back the House. The GOP’s losses force Bush to give Rumsfeld the boot. Los Angeles Times After six years of partisanship, how are these people going to work together? Washington Post Could be a two-fer: The AP is calling the Virginia senate race for Webb which would give the Democrats a majority in that chamber too. ABC What will happen to Bush’s foreign policy? BBC
Who is Rumsfeld’s successor? New York Times Wrap you brain around these Rumsfeld quotes: Reuters/New Zealand Herald
2006 is done. Get ready for 2008. Independent
After 18 Palestinian civilians die in Gaza, Hamas and Fatah are calling for revenge. Telegraph
For Halloween, some churches put on Hell Houses. It’s no fun house and actually pretty scary. Economist
It finally happened. The last refuge of peace and quiet is gone. (London) Times
Remember that night you decided everyone in the bar should see you backside? (You may not since you had five shots of Jager.) If you think there’s something embarrassing about you on the Internet, you can find and remove it. Sydney Morning Herald
NBA players will have to get used to new balls. Bloomberg
New Brew Schedule. For the time being, we’ll be brewing The Morning Joe on Mondays and Thursdays. This will allow us to find more of sources of information, get better articles and video, and develop a better place to get your Joe.

Tuesday night, Stephen Colbert conceded victory to the Democrats and warned what a Democratic majority in the House would be like. He almost quit the show.
Who is Rumsfeld’s successor? New York Times Wrap you brain around these Rumsfeld quotes: Reuters/New Zealand Herald
2006 is done. Get ready for 2008. Independent
After 18 Palestinian civilians die in Gaza, Hamas and Fatah are calling for revenge. Telegraph
For Halloween, some churches put on Hell Houses. It’s no fun house and actually pretty scary. Economist
It finally happened. The last refuge of peace and quiet is gone. (London) Times
Remember that night you decided everyone in the bar should see you backside? (You may not since you had five shots of Jager.) If you think there’s something embarrassing about you on the Internet, you can find and remove it. Sydney Morning Herald
NBA players will have to get used to new balls. Bloomberg
New Brew Schedule. For the time being, we’ll be brewing The Morning Joe on Mondays and Thursdays. This will allow us to find more of sources of information, get better articles and video, and develop a better place to get your Joe.

Tuesday night, Stephen Colbert conceded victory to the Democrats and warned what a Democratic majority in the House would be like. He almost quit the show.
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