It’s been a “hell” of week at the UN, if you know what we mean. What, with Venezuela’s Chavez calling Pres. Bush the devil, not to mention the traffic in NYC.
Palestinian President Abbas said a government will recognize Israel. But the Hamas PM says no way. BBC News
The White House and the Senate have reached a tentative deal on terror suspect interrogation rules. Washington Post
The US is urging anyone from 13 to 64 to get tested for HIV. NY Times
If you are ill right now, or a planning an illness, head out to WalMart. The retail giant will start selling some prescriptions for $4.00 a pop. Sure beats that crappy co-pay you’ve got. MSNBC
Forbes published its annual list of richest Americans. This year all 400 are Billionaires. Check the site for a rich uncle. Forbes
The Ryder Cup is ON! Live scoring updates Sports Illustrated
See an article, photo gallery or video clip you like? Whether from the world of news or the world of weird, send us links to stories you want to see on The Morning Joe to Joe@TheMorningJoe.com. If we post it, we’ll give you a shout out with your first name and location (unless you tell us otherwise).
What’s your life worth to ya? If given the chance to live to 100 years old, a majority of people in a British survey says they’d give up sex to reach the old age. And, sorry guys, but it was mostly women who would forsake the sack: 48% of women said they’d give it up, while only 31% of men said they would. SO, what do you think… would you?
This kid thought he was in for an innocent amusement park ride.
Watch how his stepmom is there for support.
No. What's the point of living that long if you can't have sex.
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